All the best adventures turn into great stories - things that went well, things that didn't turn out as planned or unusual things you saw along the way. Sometimes things are a bit difficult due to a mistake or perhaps inexperience - where we see this, we tell the story....not to embarass you, but to explain how such situations occur and to offer tips from experienced navigators on how you could avoid them.
The weekly report also has a bunch of pictures taken at the event, the results for everybody that took part and a copy of the map from that evening.
The weekly report is usually published on the day of the event- later in the evening. Check out the Results Page when you wake up next morning or get to the report via the post on our Facebook Page.
Most of our events are Score Courses - you visit as many controls as you can in the time available and accumulate as many points as possible. High-numbered controls are worth more than low-numbered controls (explained on every map).
The background here is a typical result page - Simon Ryan ran with eTag number 2159 this evening and got 20 controls - a great result! If you click on the tag number (in this case 2159 at the left of the line), you see the split times for this runner.
The next slide shows Simon's split times.
On most legs, Simon has done very well - coming in the top 2-3 in most cases.
In a few cases, he hasn't done as well. If you want to improve your performance, check out the
legs where you did particularly poorly - and try to understand why.
Talk to others that did the same course - how did their route choice or strategy differ from yours.
Every mistake you make is an opportunity - an opportunity to learn so you can do better next time.
This report shows you every other runner that did the same leg as you - in the same direction.
You can see from this who beat you and by how much; these are the people you need to talk to.
Your result appears in many places:
=> As you finish, your split-ticket summarises your result
=> The results display shows your result and that of every other person that has finished.
=> As discussed in previous slides, the weekly report provides a detailed breakdown of every runners performance
=> In the near future, check out RUNNERS DIARY - a breakdown of every run you've done with us and how you did.