A retired engineer (I.T. and Telecommunications) - Geoff sets many of our courses and provides tech support.
Schon is the methodical person in our crew .
She looks after registration and finances.
District Commissioner, Scout Leader, helper.
Bill has done it all for more than 30 years.
Our Head Coach - a Cub Leader with more than 30 years experience. Lauris guides the development of training materials and coordinates youth training at our events.
Ex-DSL, currently Scout Leader and key helper for our series.
Entertains all comers with his sometimes bizarre sense of humour.
Greg has been involved in Scouting for more than 30 years - and recently was awarded the Duke of Edinburgh Long Service Medal. (Sadly we don't provide Long Service Leave).
Bev does not have a beard
Currently infirmed - but expected to recover quickly.
She said she hoped to be vertical soon.